
Table of Contents

Getting Started Avro Schema and Debezium

Creating a Kafka Consumer with Kafka, Kotlin, PostgreSQL, and Debezium

Getting Started with Kubeless

Installing and Configuring the Kubernetes Dashboard with Kind - Part 2

Installing and Configuring the Kubernetes Dashboard with Kind - Part 1

Docker Compose, Kotlin, and Kafka: Why Can’t I Connect

On Team Chat Channels in Slack

Change Data Capture with Debezium, Kafka, Postgres, and Golang

Why Management Structures Dictate Software Architecture

A Semantic Versioning Function for the Makefile

A Post Commit Git Hook for Semantic Version Updates, Docker Build, Tag, and Push

What an IHOP Can Teach About Team Dynamics

What Weather Forecasts Tell Us About Progress and Technology

Previous Work

CI/CD: An Analogy